Laurence Andrew Whitehead



Personal Data


British citizen, born 28 November 1944, married to Linette Whitehead (U.S. Citizen), with two children, Lucy  (born 30 August 1981 in Washington DC), and David (born 29 March 1984  in Oxford)




1966                     B.A. in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Magdalen College, Oxford

1970                     M.A. in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Nuffield College, Oxford



Current Employment and other Responsibilities




2005-2006       Acting Warden, Nuffield College, Oxford

1969-                  Official Fellow in Politics, Senior Fellow and Investment Bursar, Fellow, Nuffield College


Academic Responsibilities

DATE                  Member, General Board of Faculties

DATE                  Chairman, Oxford Inter-Faculty Committee for Latin American Studies

DATE                  Chairman, Management Committee, Oxford Refugee Studies Programme

1999 -                  Governor, Oxford Institute of Energy Studies

1994-                   Series Editor, Oxford Studies in Democratisation, Oxford University Press

DATE                  Oxford University founder and representative, European Centre for the Study of Democratisation, Forlí

DATE                  Member, Standing Committee on Democratisation, European Consortium of Political Research

DATE                  Region Head for Latin America, Oxford Analytica

DATE                  External Examiner, Social and Political Studies degree, Cambridge University

Member of the editorial boards of Cahiers des Amériques Latines (Paris), Ciencia Política (Bogotá), Central European Political Science Review, Advisory Committee of the Revista de Ciencia Política (Santiago de Chile), El Debate Político (Buenos Aires), Forced Migration Review, the Journal of Latin American Studies, the Journal of Political Ideologies, the Oxford Development Studies journal, Política y Gobierno (Mexico City), and Quorum (Alcalá de Henares)


Administrative Responsibilities

2005-2006       Acting Warden, Nuffield College

Member, Finance and General Purposes Committee of the General Board, Nuffield College, Oxford

Member, Building Committee, Nuffield College, Oxford

Member, Appointments Committee, Nuffield College, Oxford

1999 -                 Member, Committee on Studies for the Pacific Council on International Policy, University of Southern California


Former Employment and other Responsibilities/Positions



1968-1969         Faculty Fellow, St. Antony’s College, Oxford


Administrative Responsibilities

1971-1976          Senior Tutor, Nuffield College, Oxford

1975-1979          Investment Bursar, Nuffield College

1981-1984         Chairman of the Politics Group, Nuffield College

1988-1990         Chairman of the Politics Group, Nuffield College

1988-1989         Investment Bursar, Nuffield College

1996-1999         Investment Bursar, Nuffield College

2004                    President, Nuffield College Electoral Body (to elect new warden)

2004-2005       Chairman of the Politics Group, Nuffield College


Research Fellowships/Lectureships

1967-1968         Research Fellow, Overseas Development Institute, London

1968                    Visiting Scholar, Instituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos (August)

1973                     Visiting Fellow, CEPLAN, Santiago de Chile

1976                     Visiting Lecturer, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Lima

1979                     Visiting Fellow, Wilson Centre Latin American Programme, Washington DC (January-June)

Visiting Fellow, Colegio de México

1980-1981         Senior Research Scholar, Wilson Centre Latin American Programme, Washington DC

1982                    Visiting Fellow, Institute of Latin American Studies, La Trobe University, Melbourne

1984                    Visiting Researcher, European University, Florence (October)

1989                    Visiting Scholar, Instituto de Estudos Avançados, University of São Paulo

1989                    Visiting Researcher, Instituto de Estudios Europeos, Havana (October)

1991                     Visiting Scholar, Institute for East-West Security Studies, Prague (June)

1995                     Visiting Scholar, CEDLA, Amsterdam (September)

1997                     Visiting Researcher, Bolivian Ministry of Capitalisation, La Paz

Visiting Scholar, Max Weber College, Erfurt (November)

Visiting Lecturer, Oslo University International Summer School on Comparative Social Science (August)

1998                    Visiting Lecturer, Humboldt University, Berlin (July)

Visiting Scholar, Max Weber College, Erfurt (December)


Academic Responsibilities/Other Positions

1998-2001            President, CNRS Scientific Committee (for the Centre de Recherche et Documentation sur l’Amérique Latine)

1998-2000        Member, Research Council, National Endowment for Democracy International

Forum for Democratic Studies

1998                                   External project Evaluator, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, Wasenaar (June)

Doctoral Examiner, University of Limerick (September)

1997-2000           Member, General Board of Faculties (Oxford University academic management)

1996                     Specialist Adviser, House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee (preparation of The Development of UK Interests and Links with Latin America (HMSO: January 1997)

1995-1996         Chairman, Sub-committee on Refugee Studies Programme, Queen Elizabeth House Committee

Consultant, Pacific Council on International Policy (founded 1 April 1995)

1995                     Research Project Collaborator (Democracy in Asia), Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Denmark (October)

1993-1995         Member, Governing Council of the Núcleo de Estudos Comparativos, São Paulo University

Member, Academic Council, Cahiers des Amériques Latines

1992-1994         Chairman, Social Studies Faculty Centre, Oxford University

1992-2000        Member, Governing Body, IRELA, Madrid

1991-1994         Chairman, Management Committee of the Refugee Studies Programme, Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford

1991                     Consultant, Ford Foundation (on report about the Brazilian Association of Post-Graduate Research and Training in the Social Sciences (ANPOCS), Rio de Janeiro

British Co-director, European Centre for the Study of Democratisation, University of Bologna, Italy (May)

1990-1995         Joint Committee on Latin American Studies, American Council of Learned Societies and the SSRC (fellowship selection, project planning and conference monitoring)

1990-1992         Chairman, Social Studies Board, Oxford University

1990-2001         Co-editor, Journal of Latin American Studies

1989                    Member, Social Studies Board, Oxford University

1989                    Convener, Latin American Study Group at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London

1988-1991         Board of Management, Institute of Latin American Studies, London

1988-1990         External Examiner, London University, M.A. in Latin American Studies

1986                    Faculty Member, Salzburg Seminars’ Session 241 on Social Economic Development: Achievements and Shortcomings

1985-1986         Acting Programme Director, Centre for US-Mexico Studies, University of California,

San Diego

1984-1985         Chairman of Examiners, B.A. in PPE, Oxford University

1983-1993         Editorial Board, Journal of Latin American Studies

1983-1984         Chairman of Examiners, M. Phil in Latin American Studies, Oxford University

1979-1983         External Examiner, Portsmouth Polytechnic, B.A. in Latin American Studies

1770-1980         Reviewer, Latin American books, Times Literary Supplement


Conference Organisation and Participation

1989                    Participant, Regional Workshop on Constitutionalism, American Council of Learned Societies, Punta del Este (November)

1990                    Convener, Panel of the European Consortium of Political Research, Bochum (April)

Director, Two-day Workshop (economic liberalisation and political democratisation), Inter-American Dialogue, Washington DC (April)

                              Participant, Conference on the comparative study of democratisation in Eastern

                              Europe and Latin America, Pultusk (April)

1991                     Contributor, Conference Gouverner et élire, French Association of Social Scientists on Latin America, Paris

Convener, International Political Science Association Panel, XIV Conference, Buenos Aires

1992                     Convener, SSRC Conference on democratisation, European Centre (March)

Contributor, Conference on Central America, Centre d’Études et        Recherches Internationales, Paris (June)

Contributor, Conference on democracy and foreign policy, Irish Peace Institute, Ballyvaughan (July)

Participant, Conference on democracy in South Asia at the Institute for Comparative Ethnic Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka (August)

1993                            Conference Visitor, FLACSO, Santiago             

Participant, Conference, Bellagio Centre (PLACE)

1995                     Coordinator, Workshop on Economic and Political Liberalisation, University of Southern California (January-April)

Co-organiser and Presenter, Workshop at the Overseas Development Council,

                              Washington DC (April)

Conference Visitor, York University, by invitation of Canadian

                              Consortium on Latin American Studies, Ontario (September)

Participant, Conference on Democratisation in Chile and South Africa, University of Cape Town, South Africa (November)

Conference Visitor, Instituto de Estudios Europeos (December)

1996                     Participant, Conference, Centre for Mexican Studies, University of Turin

1997                     Conference Visitor, Instituto de Estudios Europeos (October)

1997                            Participant, Conference, Faculdad Latino Americana de Ciencias Sociales (FLASCO), Santiago

Guest Speaker, Seminar of Swedish Council of National Industry (established regular links with the International Democracy and Electoral Assistance Institute, February

1998                    Participant, Conference on the EU and Latin America, Austrian Foreign Ministry, Vienna

Contributor, Conference, National Endowment for Democracy, Warsaw (June)

Participant, Conference, Harvard University David Rockefeller Centre for Latin American Studies (October)

Participant and Session Chair, Conference on the renewal of the Lomé Agreement, International Democracy and Electoral Assistance Institute (November)

Keynote speaker, First National Meeting of the Associação Brasileira de Ciências Políticas, Rio de Janeiro (December)

1999                     Organiser, Conference on State, Market and Democracy in East Asia and Latin America, National Endowment for Democracy

Participant, Conference on privatisation in Latin America, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urban (April)


Other Positions

1976-1983         Member, Sub-Committee on Latin America (advising the National Executive Committee of the British Labour Party)

1984-1985         Chairman, Witney and District Labour Party

1988-1989         Chairman, Witney and District Labour Party



1969                     Official Fellowship, Nuffield College, Oxford

1966                     Congratulatory First Class Honours Degree, Oxford University

1966                     Gibbs Prize for Politics for outstanding politics student of the year, Oxford University

1963                     Demyship (prize scholarship), Magdalen College, Oxford







2005                    Latin America: A New Interpretation. London/New York: Palgrave.

2002                    Democratisation: Theory and Experience. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2001                    Demokratizálódás: Elmélet és tapasztalat XXI. Budapest: Századi Intézet.

1996                     The Price of Democracy: Global Democratisation after the Cold War (Taipei: National Institute for Compilation and Translation (published in Chinese).

1974                     Lessons of Chile. London: Fabian Society.

1969                     The United States and Bolivia: A Case of Neo-Colonialism. London: Haslemere.


Edited by

2002                    Emerging Market Democracies: East Asia/Latin America. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

2001                    International Dimensions of Democratisation: Europe and the Americas. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

1991                     Latin America in Perspective. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin (an Oxford Analytica book).

1977                     A History of the Bolivian Labour Movement, 1848-1971. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (by Guillermo Lora).


Co-Edited by

2010                    Obama y las Américas: esperanza o decepción? Buenos Aires: Planeta (with Abraham F. Lowenthal and Theodore Piccone).

2009                    Criminality, Criminality, Public Security, and the Challenges to Democracy in Latin America. Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame University Press (with Marcelo Bergman).

2008                   Unresolved Tensions: Bolivia Past and Present. Pittsburgh University Press (with John Crabtree).

2007                    Debating Cuban Exceptionalism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (with Bert Hoffmann)

2006                    State-Crafting Monetary Authority: Brazil in Comparative Perspective. Oxford: Brazilian Studies Centre (with Lourdes Sola).

¿Somos especiales? Las relaciones de México y Gran Bretaña con Estados Unidos: Una visión comparada. Mexico City: Porrúa (with Rafael Fernandez de Castro and Natalia Saltalamacchia).

                              US Democracy in Comparative Perspective, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. (with Desmond King and Ronald Lieberman)

2005                    Perfil de Gobernabilidad de El Salvador. Alcalá: CICODE, Universidad de Alcalá (with Manuel Guedán, Joaquín Villalobos, and Miguel Cruz).

2002                    After the Attack: ‘Several Europes’ and Transatlantic Relations. Warsaw: Polski Instytut Spraw Miedzynarodowych (with Ryszard Stemplowski).

2001                    Towards Democratic Viability: The Bolivian Experience. London: Palgrave/Macmillan (with John Crabtree).

1986                    Transitions from Authoritarian Rule. Volumes 1-4. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press (with Guillermo O’Donnell and Philippe Schmitter).

1986                    Latin American Debt and the Adjustment Crisis. Oxford: Macmillan Press (with Rosemary Thorp).

1986                    The Central American Impasse. Beckenham: Croom Helm (with Giuseppe di Palma).

1980                    Economic Stabilisation in Latin America: Political Dimensions. London: Elsevier (with Alejandro Foxley).

1979                     Inflation and Stabilisation in Latin America. London: Macmillan Press (with Rosemary Thorp).


Contributions to edited volumes

Forthcoming    Comparative Democratisation Perspective,” in: Desmond King and Ronald Lieberman (eds.) US Democracy (with Guillermo O’Donnell)

Democracy, Democratisation, and the United States of America,” in: Desmond King and Ronald Lieberman (eds.) US Democracy.

Citizen Insecurity in Latin America,” in Laurence Whitehead and Marcelo Bergman (eds.), Criminality, Criminality, Public Security, and the Challenges of Democracy and the Rule of Law in Latin America. Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame University Press.

2009                    “Navigating in Fog: Meta-Narrative in the Americas today” in: A. F. Cooper and Jorge Heine (eds.), Which Way in Latin America ? Hemispheric Politics Meets Globalisation. United Nations’ University Press: 27-49.

2008                   ‘La conflictiva y nunca acabada construcción de la democracia deseada: México en perspectiva histórica y comparada,’ in: Alan Knight, Andreas Schedler, Laurence Whitehead and Emilio Rabasa Gamboa (eds.), México: Editorial Porrúa/ Tecnológico de Monterrey.

                              ‘The International Politics of Democratization from Portugal (1974) to Iraq (2003),’ in Nuno Severiano Teixeira (ed.), The International Politics of Democratization. London: Routledge, pp. 8-25.

 ‘Dominant Parties and Democratization: Theory and Comparative Experience,’ in Edward Friedman and Joseph Wong (eds.),  Political Transitions in Dominant Party Systems: Learning to Lose. London: Routledge, pp. 269-283.

 ‘Consecuencias de la democratization en la politrica exterior de Mexico,’ in Ana Covarrubias (ed.), Temas de Politica Exterior. Mexico City: Colegio de México, pp. 365-388.

 Elecciones reñidas,’ in; A.. Knight, A. Schedler, L. Whitehead and E. Rabasa Gamboa (eds), La conflictiva y nunca acabada construcción de la democracia deseada: México en perspectiva histórica y comparada. 65-89.

‘The Fading Regional Consensus on Democratic Convergence,’ in J. I. Dominguez and Michael Shifter (eds.), Constructing Democratic Governance in Latin America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press: 13-28.

2007                    ‘Cuban Political Exceptionalism,’ in: Bert Hoffmann and Laurence Whitehead (eds.), Debating Debating Cuban Exceptionalism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 1-26.

Conclusions,’ in: Bert Hoffmann and Laurence Whitehead (eds.), Debating Cuban Exceptionalism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 187-206.

Conclusion: When Was Latin America Modern?’ in: Nicola Miller and Stephen Hart (eds.), When Was Latin America Modern? New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 191-206.

Gobernabilidad y reforma política en Europa y América Latina: algunas lecciones,’ in: Klaus Bodemer and Fernando Carrillo (eds.), Gobernabilidad y reforma política en América Latina y Europa. La Paz, Bolivia: Plural Editores (GIGA Institute of Latin American Studies and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Red Eurolatinoamericana de Gobernabilidad para el Desarrollo (RedGOb): 347-51.

Variabilidad en la aplicación de derechos: una perspectiva comparada’ in: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Contribuciones al debate II: estado, democracia y ciudadanía en América Latina. Lima, Peru: Myrza Ed.

Twenty-first Century Democratizations: Experience vs Scholarship,’ in: Dirk Berg-Schlosser (ed.), Democratization: The State of the Art.  Opladen & Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich Publishers (second revised and updated edition): 111-32.

2006                    ‘Some States of Asia Compared from Afar,’ in: Richard Boyd and Tak-Wing Ngo (eds.), State Making in Asia, Abington: Routledge: 162-181.

Introduction,’ in: Lourdes Sola and Laurence Whitehead (eds.), Statecrafting Monetary Authority: Democracy and Financial Order in Brazil. Oxford: Oxford University Centre for Brazilian Studies: 1-12 (with Lourdes Sola)

Chapter One,’ in: Lourdes Sola and Laurence Whitehead (eds.), Statecrafting Monetary Authority: Democracy and Financial Order in Brazil. Oxford: Oxford University Centre for Brazilian Studies: 13-36

Postscript,’ in: Lourdes Sola and Laurence Whitehead (eds.), Statecrafting Monetary Authority: Democracy and Financial Order in Brazil. Oxford: Oxford University Centre for Brazilian Studies: 359-67.

2005                    ‘The Shifting Foundations of Economic Liberalism in Latin American Public Policy,’ in: Valpy Fitzgerald and Rosemary Thorp (eds.) Economic Doctrines in Latin America: Origins Embedding and Evolution. New York: Palgrave: 245-264.

Democratization and Human Rights in the Americas: Should the Jury Still be Out?’ in: Louise Fawcett and Mónica Serrano (eds.), Regionalism and Governance in the Americas. New York: Palgrave: 161-184. 

2003                    “Political Capabilities over the Long Run”, in: Peter Houtzager and Mick Moore (eds.) Changing Paths, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan (with George Gray-Molina).

The Bolivian National Revolution: A Comparison,” in: Merilee S. Grindle and Pilar Domingo (eds.) Proclaiming Revolution: Bolivia in Comparative Perspective. Cambridge, MA: David Rockefeller Centre for Latin American Studies/Harvard University, Institute of Latin American Studies, London.

The Transatlantic Relationship after Iraq,” in: Lawrence S. Graham and Ryszard Stemplowski (eds.) EU-US Cooperation. Warsaw: The Polish Institute of International Affairs.

2002                    “Stirrings of Mutual Recognition: The Hazards of Convergence,” in: Laurence Whitehead (ed.) Emerging Market Democracies: East Asia/Latin America. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

                              Of Bubbles and Buildings, Financial Architecture in a Liberal Democratic Era,’ in: Leslie Elliott Armijo (ed.) Debating the Global Financial Architecture. New York: State University of New York Press.

Latin America as a Mausoleum of Modernities,” in: Luis Roniger and Carlos H. Waisman (eds.) Globality and Multiple Modernities: Comparative North American and Latin American Perspectives. Brighton: Sussex Academic Press.

La Longue Durée,” in: Daniel van Eeuwen, L'Amérique Latine et l’Europe à l´heure de la mondialization: Dimensions des rélations internacionales. Paris: CREALC-IEP/AIX-KARTHALA.

Mexico and Colombia,” in: Manuel Antonio Garretón and Edward Newman (eds.) Democracy in Latin America: (Re) Constructing Political Society. New York: United Nations University Press.

2001                    “Democracy and Decolonisation: East-Central Europe” in: Laurence Whitehead (ed.) The International Dimensions of Democratisation: Europe and the Americas. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Enlargement of the European Union: A 'Risky' Form of Democracy Promotion,” in: Laurence Whitehead (ed.) The International Dimensions of Democratisation: Europe and the Americas. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2000                   “Privatisation and the Public Interest: Partial Theories, Lopsided Outcomes,” in: Werner Baer and Joseph L. Love (eds.) Liberalisation and Its Consequences: A Comparative Perspective on Latin America and Eastern Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Hacia una reconfiguración del triángulo atlántico después de la Guerra Fría,” in: Klaus Bodemer (ed.) El triángulo atlántico: América Latina, Europa y Estados Unidos en un sistema internacional cambiante. Sankt Augustin: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.

High Level Political Corruption in Latin America: A “Transitional” Phenomenon?” in: Joseph S. Tulchin and Ralph H. Espach (eds.) Combating Corruption in Latin America. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

1999                                    “El lugar de Chile en los estudios comparados de la democratización,” in: Amparo Menéndez-Carrión et al, La Caja de Pandora: El retorno de la transición chilena. Santiago: Planeta.

The Democratisation of Taiwan: A Comparative Perspective,” in: Steve Tsang and Hung-Mao Tien (eds.) Democratisation in Taiwan: Implications for China. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

Afterword: On Cultures and Contexts,” in Hans Antlov and Tak-Wing Ngo (eds.) The Cutural Construction of Politics in Asia. Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Press.

Europe and the Americas,” in: Victor Bulmer-Thomas and James Dunkerley (eds.) The United States and Latin America: The New Agenda. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

1998                                   “The International Dimension of Democratisation: Three Perspectives,” in: John M. Richardson Jr., and S. W. R. de A. Samarisinghe, Democratisation in South Asia: The First Fifty Years (Kandi, Sri Lanka: International Centre for Ethnic Studies.

Mexico’s Near ‘Ungovernability’ Revisited,” in: Mónica Serrano (ed.) Governing Mexico: Political Parties and Elections. London: ILAS.

1997                                    “Pobre México, tan lejos de Noordwijk: Las relaciones políticas entre México y la Unión Europea vistas desde Europa,” in: IRELA (ed.) La Unión Europea y México: Una nueva relación política y económica. Madrid: IRELA.

Bowling in the Bronx: The Uncivil Interstices between Civil and Political Society,” in: Robert Fine and Shirin Rai (eds.) Civil Society: Democratic Perspectives. London: Frank Cass. 

La economía en México: El poder de las ideas e ideas de poder,” in: Europa en México: Por una colaboración en ciencias sociales. Turin: Centro de Estudios de México en Italia.

1996                                    “Concerning International Support for Democracy in the South,” in: Robin Luckham and Gordon White (eds.) Democratisation in the South: The Jagged Wave. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Democratisation Studies,” in: R. Goodin and H. D. Klingemann (eds.) A New Handbook of Political Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Chronic Fiscal Stress and the Reproduction of Poverty and Inequality in Latin America,” in: Victor Bulmer-Thomas (ed.) The New Economic Model in Latin America and Its Impact on Income Distribution and Poverty. London: Macmillan.

1995                     “Pacification and Reconciliation in Central America: The International Components,” in: Rachel Seider (ed.) Central America: Fragile Transition. London: Macmillan.

A Comparative Perspective on Democratisation: Theory and Experience in the Post-Cold War World,” in: Gerry Helleiner, Shahen Abrahamian, Edmar Bacha, Roger Lawrence and Pedro Malan (eds.) Poverty, Prosperity, and the World Economy: Essays in Memory of Sidney Dell. London: Macmillan, 1995 (also published by FLACSO-Chile, in Spanish).

1994                     “State Organisation in Latin America since 1930,” in: Leslie Bethell (ed.) The Cambridge History of Latin America. Volume VI-Part 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

The Peculiarities of ‘Transition’ a la mexicana,” in: Neil Harvey and Mónica Serrano (eds.) Party Politics in an “Uncommon Democracy”: Political Parties and Elections in Mexico. London: ILAS.

Prospects for a “Transition” from Authoritarian Rule in Mexico,” in Maria Lorena Cook, Kevin J. Middlebrook and Juan Molinar Horcasitas (eds.) The Politics of Economic Restructuring: State-Society Relations and Regime Change in Mexico. San Diego, CA: Centre for US-Mexican Studies, University of California.

East-Central Europe in Comparative Perspective,” in: Geoffrey Pridham, Eric Herring and George Sanford (eds.) Building Democracy? The International Dimension of Democratisation in Eastern Europe. Leicester: Leicester University Press.

1993                     “…” in: Lourdes Sola (coord.)  Estado, mercado e democracia: Política e economia comparadas. São Paulo: Editora Paz e Terra.

Requisites for Admission,” in: Peter H. Smith (ed.) The Challenge of Integration: Europe and the Americas. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.

1992                     “Through the Prism of Global Conflict: Bolivian Politics in the 1940s,” in: Leslie Bethell and Ian Roxborough (eds.)  Latin America from the Second World War to the Cold War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

The Alternatives to ‘Liberal Democracy’: A Latin American Perspective,” in: David Held (ed.) The Prospects for Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Libéralisation économique et consolidation de la démocratie,” in: Georges Couffignal (ed.) Réinventer la démocratie: le défi latino-américain. Paris: Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques.

The Identity of the New Europe and the San José Process,” in; Joaquín Roy (ed.) The Reconstruction of Central America: The Role of the European Community. Miami, FL:  University of Miami North-South Centre (also published in Spanish).

1991                     “Bolivia since 1930,” in: Leslie Bethell (ed.) The Cambridge History of Latin America. Volume 8. Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press.

Democracy by Convergence,” in: Geoffrey Pridham (ed.) Encouraging Democracy.  Leicester: Leicester University Press.

Organised Labour in Mexico,” in: Kevin Middlebrook (ed.) State-Labour Relations in Contemporary Mexico. San Diego, CA: University of California Centre for US-Mexico Studies Monograph.

Mexico and the ‘Hegemony’ of the United States,” in: Riordan Roett (ed.) Mexico’s External Relations in the 1990s. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner.

The Imposition of Democracy,” in: Abraham Lowenthal (ed.) Exporting Democracy: The United States and Latin America. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

1990                    “Democracy and Socialism: Reflections on the Grenada Experience,” in: Jorge Heine (ed.) A Revolution Aborted: The Lessons of Grenada. Pittsburgh, PA: Pittsburgh University Press.

Britain, Latin America and the European Community,” in: Victor Bulmer-Thomas (ed.) Britain and Latin America: A Changing Relationship. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1989                    “On Presidential Graft: The Latin American Evidence,” in A. J. Heidenheimer, M. Johnston, and V. T. Levine (eds.) Political Corruption: A Handbook. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books.

Democratisation and Disinflation,” in J. Nelson (ed.) Fragile Coalitions: The Politics of Economic Adjustment. Washington DC: Overseas Development Council Policy Perspective Series.

The Economic Solidarity Pact in Comparative Perspective,” in: Wayne Cornelius and Judith Gentleman (eds.) Mexico’s Alternative Futures. San Diego, CA: University of California Centre for US-Mexican Studies.

The Consolidation of Fragile Democracies: A Discussion with Illustrations,” in: Robert A. Pastor (ed.) Democracy in the Americas: Stopping the Pendulum. New York: Holmes & Meier.

1988                    “Explaining Washington’s Central American Policies,” in: B. D. Larkin (ed.) Vital Interests: The Soviet Issue in US Central American Policy. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner.

1986                    “Debt, Diversification and Dependency,” in: Kevin Middlebrook and Carlos Rico (eds.) The United States and Latin America in the 1980s: Contending Perspectives on a Decade of Crisis. Pittsburgh, PA: Pittsburgh University Press.

                              “International Aspects of Democratisation,” in: Guillermo O’Donnell and Philippe Schmitter (eds.) Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Uncertain Conclusions. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986.

                              “Bolivia’s Failed Democratisation, 1977-1980,” in: Laurence Whitehead, Guillermo O’Donnell and Philippe Schmitter (eds.) Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Latin America. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

US-Mexico Relations: Un deterioro sin fin?” in: Abraham Lowenthal (ed.) Latin American and Caribbean Yearbook, 1985/6.

1985                    “Soviet Relations with Latin America,” in: Robert Cassen (ed.) Soviet Links with the Third World. London: Sage (with Nikki Miller).

Whatever Became of the ‘Southern Cone’ Model?” in: David E. Hojman (ed.) Chile since 1973: Elements for the Analysis of Military Rule. Liverpool: Liverpool University Centre for Latin American Studies.

1978                     “Great Britain’s Economic Relations with Latin America,” in: Joseph Grunwald (ed.) Latin America in the International Economy. Washington DC: Brookings Institution.

1973                     “National Power and Local Power: The Case of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia,” in: F. Rabinovitz and F. Trueblood (eds.) Latin American Urban Research. Volume 3. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.

1971                     “The Trade and Aid Relationship in Latin America,” in: Barbara Ward et al (eds.) The Widening Gap: Development in the 1970s. New York: Columbia University Press.

Public Sector Activities,” in: Keith Griffin (ed.) Financing Development in Latin America. London: Macmillan.



2008                   ‘Reflections on the Enlarging EU (from a Longue Durée Perspective)’, The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, 17: 142-51 (Also as ‘Refleksje na temat rozszerzania Unii Europejskiej’, Sprawy Miedzynarodowe,  41: 139-48).

2007                    ‘The Challenge of Closely Fought Elections,’ Journal of Democracy, 18 (2) April: 14-28.

                 ‘Taiwan’s Democratisation: A Critical Test for the International Dimension Perspective,’ Taiwan Journal of Democracy 3: 11-32.

Ulysses, the Sirens and the Art of Navigation: Political and Technical Rationality in Latin Ameirca,” OECD Development Centre Working Paper 256 (September)  (with Javier Santiso).

2005                    “Las cumbres mundiales y sus versiones latinoamericanas: ¿Haciendo una montaña de un grano de arena?América Latina Hoy 40 (August): 15-27 (with Alexandra Barahona de Brito).

Freezing the Flow: Theory about Democratisation in a World in FluxTaiwan Journal of Democracy, 1 (1): 1-20.

2000                   “The Enlargement of the European Union: A ‘Risky’ Form of Democracy Promotion,” Central European Political Science Review 1 (1) September.

The Politics of Expertise,” Revista de Economia Política, 20 (2) April-June: 23-35.

1999                     “The Drama of Democratisation,” Journal of Democracy 10 (4) October: 84-98.

Geography and Democratic Destiny,” Journal of Democracy 10 (1): 74-79.

“‘Jogando boliche no Bronx,” Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Sociais 14 (41) October: 15-30.

A demokratizálódás drámája,” Politikatudományi Szemle (Budapest) 8 (2):


1998                    “Transições para a democracia: O papel das organizações internacionais,” Revista Parcerias Estratégicas (Brasilia) 1 (5) September.

La política del conocimiento especializado en América Latina: Antecedentes y tendencias contemporáneas,” Pensamiento Ibero-Americano, 30.

1997                     “Bowling in the Bronx: The Uncivil Interstices between Civil and Political Society,Democratisation 4 (1) Spring: 94-114.

The Vexed Issue of the Meaning of ‘Democracy’,” Journal of Political Ideologies 2 (2): 121-136.

1995                     “An Elusive Transition: The Slow Motion Demise of Authoritarian Dominant Party Rule in Mexico,” Democratisation 2 (3) autumn: 246-269.

1994                     “Os liberalismos e os neoliberais,” Novos Estudos CEBRAP (São Paulo) 40, November: 55-75.

                              “Messico: La transizione alla messicana América Latina,” America Latina 1 (2), June: 8-23.

Las peculiaridades de una ‘transición’ a la mexicana,” Este País (Mexico City), 20.  

1993                     “Introduction: Some Insights from Western Social Theory,” and “Conclusion: ‘Reform’ of the State and ‘Regulation’ of the Market,” World Development 21 (8) August (guest editor of this special issue): 1245-1261 and 1371-1393.

Kormányforma és hagyomanyok,” Politikatudományi Szemle (Budapest) 1:


The Alternatives to ‘Liberal Democracy’: A Latin American Perspective,” Political Studies 40 (Spanish version in Agora, Buenos Aires).

1991                     “L’Integrazione europea e l’America Latina,” Politica Internazionale (Rome) 1, January-February.

1990                    “Political Explanations of Macro-Economic Management: A Survey,” World Development 18 (8): 1133-1146.

1989                    “La economía política de las relaciones entre Europa y América Latina,” Revista de Estudios Europeos, 11.

Algunas reflexiones sobre el ‘Estado’ y el sector informal,” Revista Mexicana de Sociología 51 (3) July-September.

Tigers in Latin America?Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 505.

Latin American Debt: An International Bargaining Perspective,” Review of International Studies 15 (3) July: 231-249.

An Overview of the State of Democracies in South America,” Pensamiento Ibero-Americano (Madrid), 15, January-June.

1985                    “La democratizzazione in America centrale e i fattori internazionali in America Centrale: Crisi o pacificazione?” Politica Internazionale (Rome) 11-12.

1984                    “La dialettica interna e il rapporto amministrazione-congresso in America Centrale: Crisi o pacificazione?Politica Internazionale (Rome) 10-11.

1983                    “Explaining Washington’s Central American Policies,” Journal of Latin American Studies, November. (Expanded and updated version published in Politica Internazionale, Autumn 1984). 

1982                    “The Reagan Administration and Central America,” Evidence, March (submitted to House of Commons Committee on Foreign Affairs)

1981                     “Miners as Voters: The Electoral Process in Bolivia’s Mining Camps,” Journal of Latin American Studies, November.

On ‘Governability’ in Mexico,” Bulletin of Latin American Research, October.

1980                    “Economic Stabilisation in Latin America: Political Dimensions,” Special Issue World Development 9 (11), November 1980 (coordinator and author).

Political Causes of Inflation,” Political Studies, November.

Los trabajadores mineros bolivianos,” Revista Mexicana de Sociología. October-December.

Porqué el México es ingobernable – quasí,” Revista Mexicana de Sociología.

The Economic Policies of the Echeveria Sexenio,” Foro Internacional.

1979                     “Petroleo y bienestar,” Foro Internacional (Mexico City).

1977                     “El comercio de Gran Bretaña con América Latina,” Foro Internacional (Mexico City), Spring.

Politics and the Military in Bolivia,” Bulletin of the Society for Latin American Studies, March.

1976                     “The Chilean Dictatorship,” The World Today (London), October.

1975                     “The State and Sectional Interests: The Bolivian Case,” European Journal of Political Research, Summer (published in Spanish in Estudios Andinos nº 10).

1972                     “La Gran Depresión en Bolivia,” Desarrollo Económico (Buenos Aires), April-June. (published in Italian in Studi Storici (Bologna) July-September 1972).

1969                     “Basic Data in Poor Countries: The Bolivian Case,” Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Economics and Statistics (Spanish version published in Estudios Andinos, 1970).

1968                    “Altitude, Fertility and Mortality,” Population Studies.

Political Change in Rural France,” Political Studies, June (co-authored Guy Lord)

The Incomes Policy in the United Kingdom: The First Year,” Il Politico (Pavia).


Working Papers

1999                     Bowling in the Bronx: los intersticios inciviles entre la sociedad política y la sociedad civil. Mexico City: FLACSO Perfiles Latinoamericanos nº 14 (1999). 

1997                     The Drama of Democratisation. Madrid: Instituto Juan March de Estudios e Investigación Working Paper nº 105 (1997).

1992                     The Search for New Forms of Regional Cooperation in Prospects of the Processes of Sub-Regional Integration in Central and South America. Madrid: IRELA Working Document.

1991                     The International Dimension of Democratisation: A Survey of the Alternatives. São Paulo: Documentos do Instituto de Estudos Avançados nº 4 (1991).

1994                     The Peculiarities of ‘Transition’ a la mexicana. Notre Dame, NC: University of Notre Dame Kellogg Centre Working Paper.

1982                    Whatever Became of the ‘Southern Cone’ Model? Melbourne, Australia: La Trobe University Institute of Latin American Studies Occasional Papers Series, autumn. 

1980                    Why Mexico is Ungovernable – Almost. Washington DC: Wilson Centre Working Paper.             

1970                     Public Sector Activities in Latin America. Oxford: Latin American Centre, St. Antony’s College, Oxford University, Occasional Papers.


Conference Papers

1984                    International Aspects of Democratisation in Central America,” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC (September)

1982                    Crisis Management in Mexico (in Theory – and in 1982),” Fourth Wilson Centre Annual Editor’s Conference, Washington DC (April 1982)

1979                     “The Economic Policies of the Echeverría Sexenio,” LASA Congress, Pittsburgh (April)



1994                     Joint coordinator and author: Latin American Centre consultancy project on The Role of the Public Sector in Latin America in the 1990s, presented at the Inter-American Development Bank (April 1994).