The evidence on face-coverings from Sweden

20 November 2020

Nuffield Fellows Melinda Mills and Jan O. Jonsson and their co-authors evaluate the evidence provided by the Swedish Public Health Agency to support the Swedish policy to not recommend face coverings for the general public. They find that more than 72% of these studies actually support the use of face coverings.

Melinda, Evelina, Sofia and Jan have also written an accompanying blog article on the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science’s website.

(Melinda Mills, Evelina Akimova, Sofia Gieysztor and Jan O Jonsson, ‘Follow ‘the science’? Anders Tegnell’s and Swedish Public Health Agency’s evidence is in favour of recommending face coverings’. Published as a preprint on OSF, doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/P3D7C)