Bob Allen - Research Pages

Further information and downloadable data files from Bob Allen's research.

See Academic Profile page.

Data - Age and Price History

Enclosure and the Yeoman

Below is a spreadsheet with data used my book Enclosure and the Yeoman. The data are time series of agricultural product and input prices for England and the south midlands.  The data are used to compute indices of the prices of agricultural output and the inputs land, labour, and capital.  These index numbers are used to show who again from the agricultural revolution in chapter 14 of Enclosure and the Yeoman. They are also used to compute total factor productivity, as shown.  Data sources and weights used in the calculations are detailed in the file on sources. 

Dictionary of Historical Weights and Measures

​Tommy Murphy and I have been compiling the metric equivalents of weights and measures used in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The link explains the project and leads to a searchable database.

Historical Weights and Measures

Published papers

Here are hyperlinks to a few of my published papers--not in journals, not otherwise on the web, or just handy to have.

Unpublished Papers

Research in PowerPoint

Here are links to PowerPoint presentations about my research

Teaching: Approaches to History

​Approaches to History is a course for first year undergraduate history students at Oxford. It is intended to introduce them to various social science approaches to history. The links are to three of my power point lectures describing the 'economic approach'.

Adam Smith and the Commercial Model

Great Divergence and the Rise of Science

Thomas Malthus and the Demographic Model

Teaching: Economic Growth in History

​In 2004-5, Knick Harley and I taught 'Economic Growth in History' to graduate students in economics at Oxford. 

Marxist Transitions

I gave five lectures at the summer school in Paris on 7 - 11th July 2008 financed by the European Science Foundation and the European Commission (Marie Curie RTN, 'Unifying the European Experience'). The theme of the school was Economic and Social Inequalities in Historical Perspectives. The theme of the lectures was to examine the interaction between technology, social institutions, and income distribution by reviewing the famous stages and transitions of Mars's theory of history.

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