Alumni Privileges

Our alumni (former students and Fellows) enjoy continued rights to access a variety of College resources. Don't forget to contact us if you come back to Oxford for a visit. We'd love to see you!


Former students and Fellows may dine at College up to three times an academic year free of charge. This includes either at High Table (which takes place in term time only) or Low Table. We will be delighted to welcome you, though please note that dining is always subject to space being available. Please give notice to the Development Office ( by 12 noon the day before the relevant dinner.

Alumni are also welcome to take lunch in College from time to time, at their own expense. All additional meals are to be paid for (e.g. for a partner). Payment may be made either directly via the Finance Department or via an invoice if details are left with the cashier at lunch.

Former students and Fellows visiting Oxford have the option of staying overnight (B&B) free of charge up to three times an academic year.

Alumni are also very welcome to drop into the JCR when they are visiting Oxford. Come and meet current students, old supervisors, or just relax and read the newspapers over a cup of coffee. If you are not staying in College we ask you to notify the Lodge Porter and the Development Office of your visit, so that we know about your presence. 

Please note that the Library is currently closed to non-members of Nuffield College, including alumni. Please see the Library pages for more information.

Nuffield College Library is always pleased to welcome back former members and will be happy to receive copies of your published work to add to library stock.

If you are resident in Oxford:

You are entitled to the following borrowing privileges, which continue as long as you (a) are resident in Oxford, (b) provide a contact address to the library and the Academic Administrator, and (c) agree to respond promptly to all emails from the Library, especially for recalls.

You may use the Library between 10am and 3.30pm, Monday to Friday, and you may borrow three books at a time. The loan period is seven days; each loan may be renewed once by email or telephone unless the book is recalled by a member of College. To extend the loan further, you must bring the book into the library. Fines will be charged for late returns.

You are welcome to use all other services provided by the Library to College members except for book recalls and Inter-Library Loans. To enable access and borrowing, you must have a Bodleian card (to which you are also entitled as a former member of the University).

If you are not resident in Oxford

All former members of Nuffield are entitled to use the library for reference between 10am and 3.30pm whenever you visit Oxford. You may not borrow from the Library unless you have a College guest room – if so, please register for borrowing at the Library Office. You must return all loans before leaving College. You are welcome to use all other services provided by the Library to College members except for book recalls and Inter-Library Loans.

There are also many different benefits and offers that are available to you as Oxford Alumni. You can find out about them on the Oxford Alumni website.