Please let us know if you have new contact details and you are happy to be contacted by the Development Office for Alumni events, publications and fundraising purposes.

Your data is held securely in the University’s DARS (Development & Alumni Relations System) database. For full details on the way in which your data will be held and used, please see the Nuffield College Privacy Notice for alumni, donors, and friends. If at any time you have any queries about the use of your personal data in DARS or wish to change the fact, or extent of use of your personal data, please send us an email.


You can also send a copy of our Contact Details Form (pdf) by post to Development Office, Nuffield College, Oxford, OX1 1NF, United Kingdom, or e-mail this information to

For news stories, please title your e-mail Nuffield College Magazine.


The Nuffield College Magazine and the Annual Report are also available electronically. If you would prefer not to receive a paper copy in future years, please get in touch