JCR - More about us and what we do


The social calendar includes annual favourite events such as the Nuffield ball, the Christmas Pantomime, the LGBTQ dinner, and May morning brunch, rounded out by numerous bar parties and quiz nights. The JCR Women's Officer leads an active Women's Group, open to all women in College, organising women's lunches, an academic seminar series (such as "Women in Academia", a discussion of pay and promotion differentials between men and women in higher education), and other events.


The JCR is active in sports, fielding teams in men's and women's cricket and men's football. (Students interested in other sports are encouraged to start a team at Nuffield; they also have the opportunity to play for another college.) Nuffield students can play tennis on the courts at nearby Worcester College; the JCR owns badminton racquets and a croquet set for student use. Over the years Nuffield's sports teams have done the College proud in their various activities. The sporting year culminates in the annual and inevitably entertaining College cricket match.

Nuffield has had two students who have trained or rowed for Norway's Olympic Rowing Team. They have also represented Oxford University in the annual Oxford/ Cambridge Boat Race. In addition, Nuffield students have been awarded Oxford Blues in such fields as cricket, rowing, ice hockey and ballroom dancing.

Student voice

The other important function of the JCR is to provide a means of voicing student concerns about College affairs. The JCR holds termly meetings, electing an executive to manage day-to-day matters. Students also elect JCR representatives to various College committees, such as the Strategy and Resources Committee and the Governing Body of the College, which helps to ensure student representation at all levels of the College. ​​