Student Accommodation

Living in College is an important part of the Oxford experience, and helps students feel more socially and intellectually connected with each other, especially at the start of their studies with us.

Single students entering in the first or second Nuffield year are eligible for College-provided residential accommodation (for information about accommodation entitlements please see the College Student Handbook). College rents are low in comparison to local market rates and roughly one third of students reside in the College.

Sample Licence to Occupy Nuffield Student Accommodation

Residential accommodation in College will be either a bedsit or ‘study-bedroom’ (office space and bedroom combined) or a bedroom in an offsite house with office space in College. Students who elect not to live in College (and who have not exceeded their fourth Nuffield Student year) are provided with office space in College.

Residential accommodation is not normally provided for students in their third and fourth years. However, the University’s Graduate Accommodation Office can help full-time graduate students find accommodation; it manages a wide range of accommodation types and there is an application process through which graduate students can be considered for University-owned accommodation.


The College has some flats for students and partners about a mile from the main site. These are available on a first-come-first-served basis.

Unfortunately we currently don't have any College accommodation that is appropriate for children, and students with children are advised to consult the University's Graduate Accommodation Office for information and guidance on finding suitable lodgings.