
Second Personal Authority and the Practice of Democracy

  • 14 May 2019

    14:00-15:30, SCR, Nuffield College

  • Nuffield Political Theory Workshop   Add to Calendar
Speaker: Emanuela Ceva

University of Pavia

This event is part of the Nuffield Political Theory Workshop series.

Workshop convenor: Professor Cécile Laborde
Workshop organisers: Maxime Lepoutre and Yunmeng (Clare) Cai

The workshop now takes place on Tuesdays during term time at Nuffield College from 2pm to 3.30pm in the SCR.

Workshop format: All papers are pre-circulated to workshop participants a week before the workshop. Participants are expected to attend every week, and to read the paper before the workshop, as there is no presentation by speakers. During discussions, we use a hand/finger system: participants raise their hand if they have a new, unrelated point, and a finger if they have a brief point that relates to a previous question.

How to register: All members of the Oxford Political Theory Network are warmly invited to register for the workshop at the start of each term if they seek to attend, by sending an email to the workshop organisers ( or