
Nuffield Warden to lead BBC impartiality review

03 Mar 22

Nuffield Warden to lead BBC impartiality review

The Warden, Andrew Dilnot, will chair a review of BBC content with journalist and former More or Less colleague Michael Blastland, as part of the organisation’s 10-point impartiality plan.

The review will cover all of the BBC’s output, with a specific focus on (but not limited to) News and Factual content. 

The BBC Board announced this review on 3 March 2022. BBC Chairman Richard Sharp commented:

“I am enormously grateful that Sir Andrew Dilnot and Michael Blastland, who command great respect from their peers, have vast experience inside and outside of the BBC and both have an unerring reputation for impartiality, will undertake the first Board led review of its kind, looking at taxation and public spending, to ensure the BBC has the right expertise in and approach to producing coverage in these areas.

"Trust is the foundation of the BBC’s relationship with audiences and it is more important now than ever.”