Vaccine acceptance in the UK

23 February 2021

In a pre-print paper, Nuffield Fellow Ben Ansell with co-authors - including Associate Member Jane Gingrich - discuss findings from their two-wave survey in the UK. In particular, they find that willingness to receive the COVID-19 vaccination has increased substantially from 78% ‘likely’ or ‘very likely’ to have the vaccine in October 2020 to 87% in February 2021.

The findings were also summarised on the University news pages (‘Major rise in public support for COVID vaccine’, 24 February 2021), and were also featured on BBC Radio 5 (23 February 2021, starts at 02:09:15), LBC (24 February 2021) and BBC World Service (24 February 2021, starts at 00:01:41).

(Ben Ansell, Martin Bauer, Jane Gingrich and Jack Stilgoe, ‘Coping With Covid: Two-Wave Survey’. Published as a pre-print on RPubs, 23 February 2021.)