People Feature

Duncan Gallie

Emeritus Fellow
Professor of Sociology

Research Interests : Research on the quality of work; attitudes to social inequality; the social implications of unemployment.

Duncan Gallie joined Nuffield College as an Official Fellow in 1985 and became Professor of Sociology in 1996. He has been Vice-President Social Sciences of the British Academy (2004 -2006) and Foreign Secretary of the British Academy (2006-2011).

His research is in economic sociology, in particular the quality of work and the social consequences of unemployment. He is currently working on two main projects. The first is a European comparative study of the effects of the economic crisis on the quality of work. The second is a research programme examining changes in skills and employment conditions in Britain from 1986 to 2012.

Duncan Gallie


Duncan Gallie, Ying Zhou, Eurofound,Work Organisation and Employee Involvement in Europe. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2013.

Duncan Gallie, Direct participation and the quality of work. Human Relations, 2013, 66 (4) : 453-473.

Duncan Gallie, Alan Felstead and Francis Green, Job preferences and the intrinsic quality of work: the changing attitudes of British employees 1992-2006 Work Employment and Society, 2012, 26, 5 : 806-821.

Duncan Gallie Skills, Job Control and the Quality of Work: the Evidence from Britain The Economic and Social Review, 2012, 43, 3 : 325-341.

Duncan Gallie, Ying Zhou, Alan Felstead, Francis Green Teamwork, Skill Development and Employee Welfare. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 50, 1, 2012: 23-46