Felix Krawatzek
British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Interests: Government, Democracy and Democratisation, History, Identity, Methods, Public Sphere, Refugees and migration, Social movements.
I am a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow based at the University of Oxford's Department of Politics and International Relations and a Research Fellow at Nuffield College. I finished my DPhil in 2015 after studies at the University of Kent (BA), the Institut d’Études Politiques in Lille (MA) and the University of Oxford (MSc). I was a visiting fellow at Sciences Po Paris (Centre d'études et de recherches internationales) in 2012-13 and at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard in 2016-17.
My research is situated at the intersection between social sciences and humanities. Methodologically, I am interested in comparative historical analysis, qualitative methods in the social sciences, and content/discourse analysis. Substantively, my current academic interests revolve around governance of and ideas about the future in a comparative perspective. During my doctorate I studied the role of youth for understanding moments of regime crisis, and I have a long-standing interest in questions related to collective memory in particular in the European context. I am also involved in a larger project studying migration and integration in a historical perspective.
T: +44 1865 278500
E: felix.krawatzek@nuffield.ox.ac.uk
- Nuffield College New Road Oxford OX1 1NF
Personal Website
Departmental Webpage