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Geoffrey Evans, FBA

Official Fellow
Professor of the Sociology of Politics

Research Interests: Understanding social and political divisions

My research examines social inequality and political representation, the sources of social divisions in politics, and the relationship between perceptions, values and voting. For the last 11 years I've co-directed the ESRC-funded British Election Study. For 20 years (1998-2018) I edited the journal Electoral Studies.  

Geoffrey Evans, FBA I

Tom Weller Photography


Among my recent publications are the following:

Books (2017-):

Evans G. & Tilley J. 2017. The New Politics of Class: The Political Exclusion of the British Working Class.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Evans, G. & Menon, A. 2017. Brexit and British Politics. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Fieldhouse, E., Green, J., Evans, G., Mellon, J., Prosser, C., Schmitt, H. & van der Eijk, C. 2020. Electoral Shocks: The volatile voter in a turbulent world, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Journal articles (2019-):

Langsaether, P. Evans, G. & O’Grady, T. 2022. Explaining the relationship between class position and political preferences: A long-term panel analysis of intra-generational class mobility. British Journal of Political Science, 10.1017/S0007123420000599.

Evans, G., Stubager. R. &  Langsaether, P. 2022.  ‘The conditional politics of class identity: class origins, identity and political attitudes in comparative perspective’.  West European Politics, 10.1080/01402382.2022.2039980.

Calvert, G., Evans, G. & Pathak, A. 2022.  ‘Race, Gender and the U.S. Presidency: A Comparison of Implicit and Explicit Biases in the electorate’ Behavioral Sciences, 12(1): 17, 10.3390/bs12010017

Evans, G.  De Geus, R. & Green, J. 2021. ‘Boris Johnson to the rescue? How the Conservatives won the radical right vote in the 2019 General Election’. Political Studies, published online October, 2021 DOI: 10.1177/00323217211051191

Reinl, A-K. & Evans, G. 2021.  ‘The Brexit learning effect?  Brexit negotiations and attitudes towards leaving the EU beyond the UK’ Political Research Exchange, 3(1): 1932533, 10.1080/2474736X.2021.1932533

Langsaether, P. & Evans, G. 2020. ‘Explaining class differences in support for redistribution: A comparative analysis’, British Journal of Sociology,

Evans G. & Neundorf, A. 2020. ‘Core Political Values and the Long-Term Shaping of Partisanship’ British Journal of Political Science, 10.1017/S0007123418000339.

Prosser, C., E. Fieldhouse, J Green, J Mellon, & G Evans, 2020. ‘Tremors But No Youthquake: Measuring Changes in the Age and Turnout Gradients at the 2015 and 2017 British General Elections.’ Electoral Studies. 10.1016/j.electstud.2020.102129

Evans, G & Mellon J. 2019. ‘Immigration, Euroscepticism, and the Rise and Fall of UKIP.  Party Politics, 25(1): 76-87.

Carl N, Dennison, J, & Evans, G. 2019. ‘European but not European enough: An explanation for Brexit’, European Union Politics, 20(2), 282-304.

Stefanovic, D. & Evans, G.  2019. ‘Multiple Winning Formulae? Far Right Voters and Parties in Eastern Europe.’ Europe-Asia Studies, 71:9, 1443-1473  10.1080/09668136.2019.1653447