Among my recent publications are the following:
Books (2017-):
Evans G. & Tilley J. 2017. The New Politics of Class: The Political Exclusion of the British Working Class. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Evans, G. & Menon, A. 2017. Brexit and British Politics. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Fieldhouse, E., Green, J., Evans, G., Mellon, J., Prosser, C., Schmitt, H. & van der Eijk, C. 2020. Electoral Shocks: The volatile voter in a turbulent world, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Journal articles (2019-):
Langsaether, P. Evans, G. & O’Grady, T. 2022. Explaining the relationship between class position and political preferences: A long-term panel analysis of intra-generational class mobility. British Journal of Political Science, 10.1017/S0007123420000599.
Evans, G., Stubager. R. & Langsaether, P. 2022. ‘The conditional politics of class identity: class origins, identity and political attitudes in comparative perspective’. West European Politics, 10.1080/01402382.2022.2039980.
Calvert, G., Evans, G. & Pathak, A. 2022. ‘Race, Gender and the U.S. Presidency: A Comparison of Implicit and Explicit Biases in the electorate’ Behavioral Sciences, 12(1): 17, 10.3390/bs12010017
Evans, G. De Geus, R. & Green, J. 2021. ‘Boris Johnson to the rescue? How the Conservatives won the radical right vote in the 2019 General Election’. Political Studies, published online October, 2021 DOI: 10.1177/00323217211051191
Reinl, A-K. & Evans, G. 2021. ‘The Brexit learning effect? Brexit negotiations and attitudes towards leaving the EU beyond the UK’ Political Research Exchange, 3(1): 1932533, 10.1080/2474736X.2021.1932533
Langsaether, P. & Evans, G. 2020. ‘Explaining class differences in support for redistribution: A comparative analysis’, British Journal of Sociology,
Evans G. & Neundorf, A. 2020. ‘Core Political Values and the Long-Term Shaping of Partisanship’ British Journal of Political Science, 10.1017/S0007123418000339.
Prosser, C., E. Fieldhouse, J Green, J Mellon, & G Evans, 2020. ‘Tremors But No Youthquake: Measuring Changes in the Age and Turnout Gradients at the 2015 and 2017 British General Elections.’ Electoral Studies. 10.1016/j.electstud.2020.102129
Evans, G & Mellon J. 2019. ‘Immigration, Euroscepticism, and the Rise and Fall of UKIP. Party Politics, 25(1): 76-87.
Carl N, Dennison, J, & Evans, G. 2019. ‘European but not European enough: An explanation for Brexit’, European Union Politics, 20(2), 282-304.
Stefanovic, D. & Evans, G. 2019. ‘Multiple Winning Formulae? Far Right Voters and Parties in Eastern Europe.’ Europe-Asia Studies, 71:9, 1443-1473 10.1080/09668136.2019.1653447