People Feature

Giuliano Formisano

DPhil in Social Data Science

I am a PhD Candidate in Social Data Science at the Oxford Internet InstituteUniversity of Oxford, as an ESRC and Nuffield College Scholar.

My research focuses on political behaviour and communication, using machine learning, natural language processing, network analysis, and time-series.

Alongside my PhD, I collaborate with Oxford’s Department of Politics and International Relations, and Sciences Po’s Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics.

Previously, I completed an MPhil in Politics (Oxford, 2021) and a BA in Politics and International Relations (Exeter, 2019).

Giuliano Formisano


  • Friedrichs, J.*, Stoehr, N.*, & Formisano, G.* (2022) Fear-Anger Contests: Governmental and Populist Politics of Emotion. Online Social Networks and Media, 32, pp. 1-13.

  • Novelli, C., Formisano, G., Juneja, P., Sandri, G., & Floridi, L. (Forthcoming) Artificial Intelligence for the Internal Democracy of Political Parties. Minds and Machines.

*Authors have equally contributed.