Academic Profile

People Feature

Kasimir Dederichs

Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow in Sociology

I am a Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow in Sociology at Nuffield College and work on questions related to social integration, cohesion, and inequalities. My research has two foci:

Civic involvement: In my dissertation research, I investigate involvement in civic organizations (e.g., sports clubs, cultural associations) in Germany and the Netherlands. More specifically, I investigate to which extent they promote intergroup contact and how segregation tendencies are locking their integrative potential. In this context, I focus on ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and gender as key dimensions for social differentiation. Several of my dissertation chapters have been published in journals such as Social Networks, Gender & Society, and European Sociological Review

Formation of romantic unions: I also developed an interest in the demographic manifestations and consequences of social boundaries. In a series of projects, I investigate the formation of romantic unions (or the absence thereof) among the descendants of immigrants in the Netherlands. 

Prior to my current position, I completed a DPhil at Nuffiled College as well as a Master's and Bachelor's degree at the University of Cologne in Germany in Sociology and Social Science, respectively.

You can find more information on my personal website and my google scholar profile Google Scholar profile.

Kasimir Dederichs I

Tom Weller Photography


Dederichs, K. (2024): Join to connect? Voluntary involvement, social capital, and socioeconomic inequalities, Social Networks, 76, p. 42-50.

Dederichs, K. de Graaf, ND. (2023): Gender Segregation in Civic Life: Women’s and Men’s Involvement in Voluntary Associations, Gender & Society, online first.

Dederichs, K., Kruse, H. (2023): Who Stays Involved? A Longitudinal Study on Adolescents' Participation in Voluntary Associations in Germany, European Sociological Review, 39(1), p. 30-43.

Dederichs, K. (2022): Volunteering in the United Kingdom During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Who Started and Who Quit?, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 52(5), p. 1458-1474.