2016-07 What are PCCs for? The Intended Role of Police and Crime Commissioners and their Performance since 2012 Iain McLean, Mike Norton and Anika Ludwig
2016-06 The Brexit Shambles – Charting a Path Through the Rubble: A view from a Scottish perspective Jim Gallagher
2016-05 The EU debt crisis: Testing and revisiting conventional legal doctrine Paul De Grauwe, Yuemei Ji and Armin Steinbach
2016-01 The No-Men of England: Tyne & Wear County Council and the Failure of the Scotland and Wales Acts 1978 Iain McLean
2015-10 The Compensation Effect of Civic Education on Political Engagement: How Civics Classes Make Up for Missing Parental Socialization Anja Neundorf, Richard G. Niemi and Kaat Smets
2015-06 Burqas and Bans: The Wearing of Religious Symbols under the European Convention of Human Rights Armin Steinbach
2015-04 Nationalists at Westminster: Ireland and Scotland a Century Apart Jim Gallagher and Iain McLean
2015-01 The Mutualisation of Sovereign Debt: Comparing the American Past and the European Present Armin Steinbach
2014-01a All of one kind? Labour market reforms under austerity in Italy and Spain (revision of WP-2014-01a) Georg Picot and Arianna Tassinari
2014-01 Liberalism, Dualization, or Recalibration? Labor Market Reforms Under Austerity, Italy and Spain 2010-2013 Georg Picot and Arianna Tassinari